Hall Booking

Google streetview of location

The Scout Hall is available to anyone looking for premises in which to hold meetings, children’s birthday parties, presentations and fitness classes. The hall is available to book on a one off occassion or a recurring booking.

The hall is already used weekly by the Scout Group and several outside community groups with their dates and times found below.

The hall itself is made up of the main hall, meeting room, kitchen along with male, female and disabled toilets. There is a ramp for access to the main door of the hall.



Length - 40ft 

Width - 24ft

Height - 8ft



Length - 20ft

Width - 10ft

Height - 8ft


Please use the calendar below to check the availability of the hall. This will be updated on a regularly as soon as the regular users confirm their use. If a date is being used and you wish to enquiry if the hall could be free in the future, please still get in touch.



Monday09:00 - 13:00Jo Jingles (Fife)External
18:00 - 19:00BeaversScout Group
19:15 - 20:15CubsScout Group
Tuesday10:00 - 12:30StarcatchersExternal
19:00 - 21:00ExplorersScout Group
Wednesday15:45 - 17:15Destination JudoExternal
19:00 - 21:00ScoutsScout Group
Thursday17:00 - 17:45SquirrelsScout Group
18:00 - 20:30Krav Maga (Martial Arts)External
Saturdays10:00 - 12:00Love 2 DanceExternal

Hall Booking Request Form

If you would like to enquire about a hall booking, please complete the form below:

* Organisation:
* Your Name:
* Tel No.:
* Email:
* Address:
* Event Type:
* Date/Time:
* To:
Regular Booking?:
Yes Disabled No
* No of Adults:
* No of Youths:
Yes Disabled No

Please tick to confirm consent to your details being stored and used. See Privacy Policy

Type phrase below:
Where are we?

Scottish Charity Number:- SCO36641

Cairns Hall
Wemyss Street

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Scout Logo

46th Fife Scout Group

Cairns Hall, Wemyss Street, Cowdenbeath, Fife, KY4 8NN

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
Website Powered by www.ScoutsOnline.co.uk © 2014